LPG Conversion

LPG Conversion Problems

For many car owners in this current economic climate, running a car is perhaps one of the most expensive factors of daily life and the luxury of running a car has placed a financial burden on many households. In fact, running a vehicle has caused many people to re-evaluate whether they could live without a vehicle. Many people cannot, but there is a way in which to own a vehicle and cut down on fuel costs. This is by investing in an LPG conversion. However, many people are concerned about LPG conversion problems. Are there any LPG conversion problems? Do the advantages of an LPG conversion far outweigh the LPG conversion problems?

LPG Conversion Problems

What is LPG and LPG conversion?

Firstly, it is a good idea to understand what LPG is and what an LPG conversion is referring to. LPG stands for liquid petroleum gas. Some people may refer to it as liquefied petroleum gas or liquid propane gas. All refer to the same thing – a source of energy. LPG is a fuel, just like petrol or diesel but unlike petrol or diesel, LPG costs significantly less. LPG is used for a wide variety of purposes but by far one of the primary ways it is used is to run vehicles as an alternative to the more conventional fuels petrol and diesel. This conversion not a simple process however – for a car to run on LPG a number of modifications to the vehicle must be made. An LPG conversion refers to the process of modifying a car in order for it to run on LPG.

Problems associated with LPG conversion

There are a few LPG conversion problems that may at first put a person off converting a car to LPG. Firstly, the process of converting the car to LPG can be quite costly. It can also be done in two ways. It can either be taken to a registered garage that can convert the car quickly and easily by experienced mechanics or a DIY LPG conversion kit can be bought and the car owner can convert the car. It will usually cost around a couple of thousand pounds for either of these options, all things considered. If attempted by the car owner, insurance companies will usually request a certificate issued from a garage after inspecting the car to ensure that the LPG conversion has been executed safely and securely. Also, not every petrol station offers the option of an LPG pump meaning that long journeys may have to be planned around service stations that offer LPG as a fuel.

Benefits of LPG conversion

Although there are a few problems associated with LPG, there are also many benefits that outweigh any LPG conversion problems. More and more petrol stations are recognising the increasing number of cars that run off LPG and so are changing to accommodate their need for LPG fuel. The main benefit however is the significantly reduced cost of LPG in comparison to either petrol or diesel and the associated benefit of a car with a reduced harmful impact on the environment.

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